Author. Writer. Storyteller.
Contemporary Macedonian author with a distinctive style that bridges the gap between genre fiction and literary sophistication.
His works delve into moral dilemmas and the complexities of human nature, creating compelling narratives that engage and provoke thought.
With a precise command of language and a strong sense of structure, he blends classical and modern literary elements, turning his stories into multi-dimensional explorations of life, choices, and their consequences.
Crime novelist. Storyteller. Screenwriter
Scribo, ergo sum.
Leading crime writer on the Macedonian market.
,,One Summer'' on Crete" is Ande Jankov's first novel, published by the publishing house "Antolog". He is the winner of the "Romanijada" award for 2015. In 2022, it is experiencing its third edition, and is one of the best-selling and most requested books of Antholog in 2022.
"Vienna Gambit" is Ande Jankov's second novel, published by the publishing house "Antolog". An exciting thriller that will keep you in suspense until the very end. First part of the "Victor Nikolov" series, which was published in 2020. Included in the "Most sold novels by domestic authors for 2021" by Antolog.
The second part of the crime series about the police inspector Viktor Nikolov, published by the "Antolog" publishing house. A continuation of the series, published in 2021, is in the running for Novel of the Year and is one of the leading crime novels by domestic authors for the year.
The third part of the series about Viktor Nikolov, where he and his colleagues from the department are faced with a ferocious serial killer, the Avenger, who leaves no traces behind, except for the mysterious message found in the places where he attacks. Shortlisted for the award Novel of the Year in 2022.
Ande Jankov
Ande Jankov (Author, Writer, Storyteller) was born in the leap year of 1988, and his life has been a rollercoaster ever since. A graduate economist from Ss. Cyril and Methodius, he has used his vast knowledge of various subjects in his writing career. His debut novel, “A Summer on Crete” (Едно лето на Крит, 2016) received the award Romanijada, awarded by the publishing house “Kultura”for Best Debut Novel by an emerging author.
Afterwards, he sat his sights on expanding the crime and thriller genres on the Macedonian market, by introducing Viktor Nikolov, his detective protagonist in an ongoing series of novels: “A Vienna Game” (Виенски гамбит, 2020), “А Safe Risk” (Сигурен ризик, 2021), and “Only God Forgives” (Само Бог простува, 2022).
He also created the literary podcast “Literary conversations” (Книжевни разговори), whereas he conducts interviews with the newest darlings of Macedonian genre literature. The podcast has four seasons and sixty episodes, with more than fifty guests.
Книжевни разговори со Анде
Во соработка со продукција Златен Заб, Водител на буккастот Книжевни разговори со Анде - трета сезона.
,,One Summer'' on Crete" is Ande Jankov's first novel, published by the publishing house "Antolog". He is the winner of the "Romanijada" award for 2015. In 2022, it is experiencing its third edition, and is one of the best-selling and most requested books of Antholog in 2022.
"Vienna Gambit" is Ande Jankov's second novel, published by the publishing house "Antolog". An exciting thriller that will keep you in suspense until the very end. First part of the "Victor Nikolov" series, which was published in 2020. Included in the "Most sold novels by domestic authors for 2021" by Antolog.
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What readers said
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Издавачката куќа Персеј го издаде романот „Виенски Гамбит“ на бугарски јазик
Месец ноември го започнуваме со убави вести. Четири години после излегувањето на македонски, романот “Виенски гамбит” си доби и превод
Промоција на ,,Кобајаши Мару” во BOOKS HOUSE, Битола – 24.10.2024
Првата промоција во градот на конзулите помина успешно. Битолчани се покажаа како топли домаќини и одлични познавачи на книжевност. Благодарност
Interview with the publishing house Antolog
,,Only the thriller offers the chance to deceive the readers"
What moment in your writing career are you most proud of?